hey everyone i need sum help my problem is i cant downlode windows media player and without it i cant burn my music could anyone tell me wats going on i really need the help plz and thank you.
Why can't you download it??, whats happening, BTW, I reccomend you use Nero to burn your music. Why not try helping iPirate...I've read alot of your post's and there all this suck's that suck's...
Only reasons I know of why anyone can't download WMP from Microsoft, is that their OS has not passed the Windows Geniune Advanatge check, or you're on dialup and the bandwidth use is too much. Also, when you are there, don't use download managers, or right click the links to download. You can get 10, or 11 from alternate sites such as Download.com. http://www.download.com/Windows-Media-Player/3000-2139_4-10315037.html?tag=lst-0-2
There is one other reason that you would not be able to download it. If you are runing win 98. Buy why would you be doing that? Oh yeah btw Itunes sucks