Hi all, I'm trying to upgrade my xbox's hard drive using this tutorial. i can only assume the hard drive has set up fine using xboxhdm and using the eeprom from the evox dash backup i can lock and unlock the drive in xboxhdm but when its locked and in my xbox i get an error 6 service screen. i looked through the forums and all i can think is im getting the wrong eeprom file and indeed the serial number displayed in live info does not match up with the one on the back of my xbox. iv tried the evox dash backup, the complex tools backup, and the aid 4.10 eeprom backup (which as far as i could tell was just using the evox one) and all 3 of the eeprom files have the same incorect serial number. i could only find the one message specificly saying that softmodded xbox's have 2 eeproms but it didnt give much more info...am i scanning some kinda emulated one instead of the actual one? the eeprom files i got were all from either the root of e: or e:/backup or a few directorys with seemingly random number names under the udata folder of e: should i be looking somewhere else for the file? or does it sound like im doing something wrong?. thanks for any help, Marco
The only eeprom file I know of is the one that says "eeprom.bin". You could try going to the SID 4.0-5.x menu and click the "Backup Eeprom". Then move it to the E drive, and it will be stored in E:/Backup/
hi corn and thanks for the fast response. i thought id already tried using the aid backup but just to be sure i went through it again and the eeprom file under e:/backup/eeprom/ still has the wrong serial number. would it be worth while making a disc just for softmod installer delux instead of auto installer delux? does it matter at all that my xbox is PAL and is any of the other info displayed in liveInfo of any use to me? thanks again, Marco
I will do a quick search and see what I can find about serial numbers not matching up.. Never had this problem, so I can't help you off the top of my head.. I'll edit when I find some good stuff. EDIT: Okay, try another live info version. If that doesn't work, try extracting the eeprom.bin from via another utility Google says... You can back it up in the EvoX dashboard Configmagic **Do not touch anything else in this program, except for the Backup and Save eeprom, you can brick your Xbox!"** A SLAYERS disk An AID disk (I think you said you already tried this). If you are worried about the Configmagic, I will use the program and write the steps to backup the eeprom.
well i tried live info beta 1,2,3 using the eeproms from evox dashboard, the aid and config magic and they all came back with the wrong serial number and config magic was unable to unlock the hard drive. even on the config magic page it displays the wrong serial number. im considering just geting one of the serial port eeprom readers (or the components to make it myself) to be absolutly sure. do u know if theres any actual risk if i do that like wiping the eeprom? thanks again, Marco
I have no clue :/. Never done it, read some stuff on it before you go and do it, because it sounds a little destructive.