I have successfully copied the movie to my hard drive but when I try to burn it. The procedures are telling me that it can't find the drive to burn the movie to. I am not understanding because the drive that copied to the hard drive is the same as the one to burn to. Please help..
What software are you using? Is your ASPI up to date and in good order? ForceASPI 1.8 is a good one, here's a link: http://forceaspi18.w.interia.pl/
Nero is the program that came with the burner. As far as the ASPI, I'm sorry but I don't know what that is.
Have a visit to http://www.hazza.dsl.pipex.com/faq.htm#ASPI to get it sorted out If you've got burner problems, what you might need to do is to uninstall the drive from Windows, reboot and let Windows automatically reinstall the device for you. To do so, (1) Control Panel, (2) System, (3) Hardware, (4) Device Manager, (5) Expand the DVD/CD-ROM Drives entry, right click on thr troublesome drive and uninstall it. Now simply reboot and let Windows try and repair itself.