Hi, I have installed an excuter 2.6 modchip into my xbox so I could use XBMC anyway got it all up and running but couldn`t get the weather reports to work so I took all the XBMC and evox dash out to start again. I installed evox 1.8.3285 then tried to install XBMC but everytime it comes upto changelog.txt or any other txt file from the XBMC folder it hangs up and won`t copy the file. I have the xbox connected to the pc via a crossover cable on full duplex, have tried evox 3935 also but with the same results. Any ideas because this has me stumped and i`m getting annoyed with it. Thanks
with xbmc u need to convert all files to binary files. don't ask me how though i still haven't even found a place to get xbmc.lol good luck