Cant get serial connection to Dreambox working

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by marymcd, May 13, 2008.

  1. marymcd

    marymcd Member

    Apr 18, 2008
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    I'm a bit new to the world of dreamboxes but am familiar with unix. I've been trying to get a serial connection to a dreambox working and am starting to lose the plot.

    I have a dreambox 600pvr and can connect to it using an ethernet cable and a telnet session, but I cant get the serial connection working to flash it with DreamUp. I've tried DreamUp using the recommended procedure ie setting up the connection first on DreamUp before powering on the box. I've also tried Hyperterminal and a serial putty session with various baud rates, etc.

    AFAIK I should be able to connect to the dreambox using the serial cable without making any config changes on the dreambox. This is based on various forums that I've searched.

    Does anyone know how i can check if my dreambox serial port is screwed without trying it on a 2nd pc and/or a different cable?

    Any help would be very much appreciated.
  2. bakerboyz

    bakerboyz Guest

    are you using a lapto or a desktop? is dreamup finding your box?if its a laptop the commport converter sometimes gives trouble with vista. and are you using a null modem cable?
  3. bakerboyz

    bakerboyz Guest

  4. marymcd

    marymcd Member

    Apr 18, 2008
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    Hi bakerboyz,
    I'm using a desktop with windows xp. The cable I ordered was a null modem cable 9-pin female to female but I got a mate to test the cable today and it seems to be straight through cable and the transmit and receive pins don't seem to be crossed. So I think what I need now is a null modem adapter. Thanks for the link though I will probably need some further help along the way and it has some useful information.
  5. bakerboyz

    bakerboyz Guest

    i had xp on desktop,no joy. i had vista on laptop with usb commport converter . no joy............put windows 98 onto the desktop and it worked no probs......if i can help i will.
  6. marymcd

    marymcd Member

    Apr 18, 2008
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    DreamUp (v1.3.2.1) didn't find my box with both the ethernet and the "null modem" cable attached. I can telnet to the box ok over the ethernet cable and FlashWizardPro was another application that would connect over the ethernet but I couldn't find an image that FlashWizard supported for the box. Hence I was back to trying to connect and flash using DreamUp....
  7. marymcd

    marymcd Member

    Apr 18, 2008
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    That's strange. So only win98 would work. I'll try the adapter and see what happens. It's a bit of a pain to have to go back to win 98 though. Were also connecting to a 600pvr? Thanks for the offer of help, will keep you posted on the progress...
  8. bakerboyz

    bakerboyz Guest

    lets say you have your ip on the dreambox setup and your ethernet cable from box to pc.type in ftp://192.168.x.xx or your box ip and hit return,if asked type in root then dreambox as password,now you should be able to ftp a nfi file to the need a fw2 file for flashwizard.
  9. bakerboyz

    bakerboyz Guest

    type that into your address bar , sorry.
  10. marymcd

    marymcd Member

    Apr 18, 2008
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    I got a loan of a null modem cable and DreamUp was able to connect and it flashed with my gemini image successfully. I didn't revert back to windows 98 to do it.
  11. bakerboyz

    bakerboyz Guest

    glad your sorted m8.

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