ive just downloaded a movie and i want to put it onto dvd but b4 i do that i want to adjust the audio cos i cant hear it wot software can i use to make the sound louder i tryed virtuel dub but there sum roung with the file im using plz help
when i make the sound louder and go to save it it cums up with no sudio compressor coud be found to decompress the source audio format (source format tag 2000)
OK...It is because the audio is Dolby AC3 and why you couldn"t hear it in the First Place is Probably because you didn"t have an AC3 codec installed...... Try installing this..(Right click the "AC3ACM.inf" file and go to "Install" and Click "Install anyways" when windows says it isn"t windows certified) AC3ACM Decompressor http://fcchandler.home.comcast.net/AC3ACM/AC3ACM.zip You will have to set the "Audio" to "Full Processing Mode" to increase the Volume with this Format and the AVI file will be about twice as Big after because the audio will be decompressed.... Cheers