First off....this is my first time to the forums and it looks like to have a great place here, with lots of knowledgeable people and great info. I am a total noob in the world of DVD writing. I have printed off tons of guides, downloaded and bought lots of software, and am in pretty much brain overload. One problem I am having is installing an ASPI Layer onto my PC. I have Windows XP, and have downloaded and atempted to install several ASPI layer files. Each one seems to properly install, and after many reboots and re-installs, everytime I run the ASPI checker to see if it is properly installed, it comes up as not found. I'm at a loss as to why this is happening. Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated. tex Download, unzip, click "instaspi", reboot. Run aspi check .. should say 4.60 for all dll's.
Hi, It may help to run the KILLASPI batch file to completely wipe whatever layer you have in order to give you a clean slate before installing again
Be sure to read the instructions. There is a sequence for removing and installing the ASPI interface and you have to do it in the right order. For a better understanding of ASPI, check out this link; use the later version suggested by Flip. _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel - [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]