Can't open tray on DK DVD-915 Help!

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by zzzuppp, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. zzzuppp

    zzzuppp Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    The disc tray on my DK DVD-915 won't open anymore.It shows 'CLOSE' when the power is put on,then 'OPEN",then 'CLOSE' once more,and then the TV display says 'TRAY ERROR".At no time does the tray open.
    There's no obvious way of opening the tray manually.I've tried unplugging the mains,pressing various switches when on etc to no avail.I'm no electronics expert.
    Can anyone suggest a solution before I take it to the menders?
  2. dvdlover7

    dvdlover7 Guest

    It shows 'CLOSE' when the power is put on,then 'OPEN",then 'CLOSE' once more,and then the TV display says 'TRAY ERROR", this is what you mention...i thinks the problem is OPEN BUTTON switch has been jam, you can try open it check for that cable to see it's jam or not,,have you still under warranty period? iF yes you should return to service provider...good luck......
  3. zzzuppp

    zzzuppp Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    Thanks dvdlover.It's not under warranty any more.
    How will I know if the cable is jammed? I'm no electrician.I'll try shaking it around a bit. :D
  4. zzzuppp

    zzzuppp Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    Another thing-if the Open button was jammed,shouldn't the Open button on the remote work instead? or does it link in to the same button?
  5. dvdlover7

    dvdlover7 Guest

    Another thing-if the Open button was jammed,shouldn't the Open button on the remote work instead? or does it link in to the same button?

    absolutely no,,all because it was on your dvd player, unless you cut the Open Button wire and then remote control should work no problem,, the thing is if your remote damage you have to replace new one,,,just open case and see inside it,, is any wrong with it first....
  6. zzzuppp

    zzzuppp Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    What kind of damage am I looking for? I'm not an electrician!
    I have got it open and managed to open the tray manually.Switched on but same thing happens-CLOSE-OPEN-CLOSE nothing.
  7. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Can you hear any whirring like a motor running inside the drive when it's trying to open/close?

    Does the dvd drive have any makers name/model number on a label anywhere?

    Don't go cutting any wires just yet.. it may be as simple as a small belt off or a cog moved on a motor shaft.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2007
  8. zzzuppp

    zzzuppp Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    There is a very quick and quiet electronic noise when it moves to 'OPEN' on the front display.I tried it with the top off and the tray open,but it didn't close when I switched the power on.The maker is DK,DVD 915.There's a serial number.I've contacted their online support team (in Germany) but heard nothing yet.
    I've located a grooved wheel under the tray which brings the tray forward and back if I turn it manually so the band hasn't slipped off that.
  9. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    That gear should be one of a pair. The normal arrangement is a small motor with a gear wheel on it, driving the larger gear which then drives a rack under the tray.. What tends to happen is the gear on the motor spindle either slips or moves up or down on the spindle losing mesh with the larger wheel. If you can work out how to dismantle the tray it should all become clear how it works, and what is going wrong.
    This is the arrangement in a philips drive
    Maybe it's not exactly like this, but it should illustrate the principle behind the tray drive mechanism..

    The small pulley on the right drives the belt, which drives the larger pulley, which in turn drives the smaller gear.
    If you can get the tray out you can test that it is working, and attempt to repair what is wrong.. There is a knack to it though, as the gear train needs to be in the right place when you put the tray back in.. It's usually easier to find the closed position and then refit the tray.

    It's really hard to explain in words.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2007

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