I just got a pioneer A05U Used DVD Decrypter, ALL FILES then DVD2ONE, ALL DISK Burned in nero when I try to play in power dvd it give me "8090000C copy potection key exchange faliure - key not present" used a program called 'DVD Region-Free' then it plays fine in pwr dvd wont play in philips dvd711 What I'm I doing wrong? Thankx
Download a trial of Record Now Deluxe and try burning with it. It shuld work, Nero can be problematic: http://www.chrismccann.co.uk/recordnowmax.htm
Explain how you burned in Nero...? Are you burning within Nero as UDF or what ?? It's not hard to use Nero but some ppl cant seem to get their head round it for some reason Never had a problem w/ Nero [full-stop]
Check 'Nero Info-tool' which you should have if you're not just using Nero Express... If you click on the ASPI tab you'll find that Nero has one installed & that should be the only ASPI Layer of any kind you'll need !!
Yes I do ver In FileMode, in PwrDVD, the movie plays fine. Ive tired making the dvd region 1 and all 1-8 It still wont play it w/o using "region-free"
Its best to install a set of Adaptec ASPI layers incase you want to work outside the nero environment as neros wont work then