Can't play live enabled games on Xenium modded Xbox!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by 6Ripper9, Oct 10, 2006.

  1. 6Ripper9

    6Ripper9 Member

    Nov 18, 2005
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    I searched for an answer, but nothing came up, so here goes: I have an Xbox modded with Xenium Gold 24K, and a brand new (original) copy of Chaos Theory. After I turn the system on, it says it's loading the game, but it never loads. I've backed it up to the HDD, and it's the same thing. This is the second game to give me loading problems. The other is NHL 2K7. At least 2K7 boots up to the last developer screen before freezing. Any suggestions?

    UPDATE: It seems that any Live Enabled game will not boot up on this machine. I just tried the Star Wars: Clone Wars/Tetris Worlds Bundle disc, and it won't load either. I'm not very happy about this. I don't want to play online, I just want to play!

    UPDATE #2: It's official! No Live Enabled games will play on this machine. Looks like I'm out $300, because I can't seem to find anything that will work. Considering selling if I can't fix by the 20th, if anyone's interested.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2006
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    What Bios is on the chip?

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2006
  3. 6Ripper9

    6Ripper9 Member

    Nov 18, 2005
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    I'm not entirely sure. How do I check? I'm new to Xbox (this is my first one). I can tell you that I'm running UnleashX (0.37.1218A Build 543) for a dashboard (although it says Evo-X in the upper left corner when I power up). When I go into the MS Dashbord-System Info, I get K:1.00.5838.01; D:1.00.5960.01.

    Not sure if any of this helps, but if you're able to help me fix this, I'd be forever grateful.
  4. theridges

    theridges Guest

    did you flash the bios or did somebody else?
  5. 6Ripper9

    6Ripper9 Member

    Nov 18, 2005
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    It was flashed when I bought it. The guy's a pro installer. He does all current consoles, and he said he doesn't know why it's not loading the games. When I boot into the Xenium Gold chip, it's Xenium OS 2.3.1, if that helps. I'm thinking I'm either going to have to send it back to him, or wipe the chip/HDD clean, and reinstall everything, which worries me because of my lack of knowledge on modded Xbox's. I know the games work, because I have an unmodded Xbox that I tested them on.
  6. theridges

    theridges Guest

    well if there original games just turn your chip off to play them :)
  7. 6Ripper9

    6Ripper9 Member

    Nov 18, 2005
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    How do I do that? I've tried to find a users manual for the chip, but no luck. But I would still like to solve the problem so I can load games off the HDD so I can save some stress on the laser.
  8. theridges

    theridges Guest

    i would check and hit there forums....
  9. 6Ripper9

    6Ripper9 Member

    Nov 18, 2005
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    Problem solved. Thanks for your help theridges. I had to clear my Cache folder. Everything working great now:)
  10. theridges

    theridges Guest

    lol i cant believe i didnt think of that, im an idiot...

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