hi i have an gps pda g100 from qtek when i bought an sandisk 1 gb sd card and placed it in my cardreader it won't recognized it it said do you want to format it when i click yes it said can't format but the card work in my pda who can help me get this card work in my pda & pc?
here is why certain palm pilots and pocket pc devices format the card in pocket pc ntfs which can only be read by pocket pc's sorry to here you have one of these devices sucks to be you man i had a pda that did the same thing and i immedaitly through it away time for a upgrade
jonnodd4 is probably right, but it's worth checking. My lesson learned when I had similar problems was that the reader was in the Locked posision, preventing me to format, much less my pc reconizing it. On the reader, I think the upper left is a light gray sliding post that if it's in the down posision, it's locked. Make sure it's in the upward posision and also be carefull when sliding the reader and card into the 2.0 Mobile Mate that it won't lock it when you put it in. Worth a try...
I had a quite similar issue. I had a 4gb topram from Ebay that couldn't be formatted on my pc or ppc, I also treid formatting on several pc's. So I ended buying some Walmart card reader and I was shocked but it worked. Believe me that 4gb is worth the trouble.