I have Nero 6 Ultra and I'm using what I was told (here, on Afterdawn) was the most stable and best version of My problem is I'm trying to back up disc 1 of Entourage season 1. My baby nephew just got his hands on it and scratched the hell out of it. The whole disc backed up fine except one episode. So my friend told me to grab one from a torrent. I got that episode now but it's in .avi. I want to recode it so i can bundle it in with what i was able to slavage from my ruined disc. But for some crazy reason this one episode will only go to 70% and just freeze. I've recoded .avi files before with no problems, and this one plays back perfectly...it just won't recode 100% any suggestions? Should i include my error log?
I dont know who told you this, but it is one of the "offending" versions..., run this clean tool http://ww2.nero.com/nero6/en/Clean_Tools.html and then install this more stable version, BOTH packages Package 1: http://www.dvdplusvideo.com/Nero- Package 2: http://www.dvdplusvideo.com/NVE- or you can try the latest version from here http://www.filehippo.com/download/7717bb2aa35a8a6b405b8322e5dfe50b/download/
Well i looked back at when i asked about it earlier. And why I updated to v6.6.1.4. and it was you that answered my question with the same thing you said just above. And i remember running the clean up tool and following the re-install of v6.6.0.18. And I have never personally updated since. Does Nero auto update or something? That's weird. And I just assumed it was v6.6.1.4 that you told me was stable since I know i never updated...but somehow my Nero is updated. Thank you again for the help gwendolin
To your question re: Does Nero auto update...answer is NO Post your failed history log, located here Program Files>Ahead>Nero>NeroHistory.txt