I've read the forums of those who have ripped and burned the movie but I can not I have dvd decryter, shrink, nero, roxio, even dvd platinum and still can't rip or burn it. what am i missing is it in the settings. Thanks in advance!!
sshaned I ripped the movie with DVD Decrypter in file mode and then re encoded it with DVD-RB/CCE with excellent results. sshaned You've told us you're having problems but you weren't very specific as to what they were. Are you ripping OK but unable to burn? Or are your rips failing and you don’t get a chance to burn? Those are two very different and important distinctions. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] In every dialogue and discourse, we must be able to say to those who take offence, "Of what do you complain?" Pensees Section III: of the Necessity of the Wager[/small]
I can rip the theatrical release version but when I burned it to dvd It didn't work proberly, and when I try to rip the directors cut its stops with and I/O error and I know it has something to do with the cce decryption code, I also noticed when I play the theactrical version when its seperated .Vob files that the one containing the ending will not let me scroll to the end with my media player, and the only file that gets deleted on the directors cut is the same file marked VTS_01_5.VOB which contains the alternate ending. I've tried to rip it as an image file as well and it still doesn't complete the process. Thanks Again for any help.
sshaned It might be the way the video on the disc is organized, I've had moves that wouldn't work with anything if I tried for movie only. Have you tried backing up the entire movie minus the unwanted sound tracks? If not give that a try and see if it works. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] In every dialogue and discourse, we must be able to say to those who take offence, "Of what do you complain?" Pensees Section III: of the Necessity of the Wager[/small]
hey,i did the butterfly effect movie with dvd decrypter in file and then used shrink and it came out just fine
Well I've tried everything with this movie and have had no luck at all, I have noticed that those that can rip the movie must have a different disk than the one I do, as I understand there is a another version which comes in a two disk set not a flip side like mine. I'm wondering if the infifilm feature is whats messing with my success, any more suggestions are greatly welcomed and thanks again for any help:_)
sshaned The disc could also be damaged because I know of people successfully ripping the 2 sided disc (bigorange).
you may have a bad disc,my backup is from the 2 sided one and like i said it came out fine.it may play fine but u can't make your backup,it have to be a bad disc.
if anyone is interested I finally got the dvd ripped and burned I got a friends copy and it work fine I did notice that on his both sides of the dvd were silver and mine one side is gold and the other is silver not sure if that means anything thanks for the help
I've had a similar problem. Can't rip Butterfly Effect due to read errors. Shrink can't complete the initial analysis due to read errors. DVD Decrypter finds read errors in key files. I've tried 3 different copies--all do the same thing. I can watch the movie, but can't rip it. The best I've been able to do is use DVD Decrypter to rip 4 of the 5 .vob files that make up the theatrical version. The fifth .vob file has nothing but credits, so I don't really need it. I need to find an easy way to make a DVD out of them that will play on a set-top DVD player. I have Nero 6, Pinnacle Instant CD/DVD Version 8, DVD Shrink 3.2, and DVD Decrypter installed as well as other DVD copying/authoring titles that are not installed. Any suggestions would be appreciated.