Hey all, i recently bought a new DS Lite, an R4 and EZflash (also new). following some ideas online, and what id found worked, i went with R4 v 1.13, as it was able to get NStation working (the program for converting GBA titles to DS format). The first time i run it, it seems to flash, and after that, i can boot right into any GBA title ive converted that way, but all save files come up as "corrupt" and im unable to save any data. Mind you, i tried the latest 3-in-1 software first, found the same problem and formatted my card, trying again and hoping the Nstation method'd work but found the same results. I create a SAVE folder in the GBA folder with this method, as instructed, but again, either way, no saving ability, with zelda: link to the past, FF VI advance, pretty much any title that could save. im not certain the differences on NOR and PSRAM (sp?) or whatever the other format was, but im clearly missing something here. Can anyone help? itd be most appreciated!
...nothing? look, i'll be your friend! i just dont get why the saved data's constantly corrupted. again, thanks in advance for any help offered.
Still working on this, still no luck. i format the card, i try the 3 in 1, corrupted data on GBA games. I format again, try the NStation converted titles, still corrupted data. what am i doing wrong here? again, thanks in advance for any help offered.
cant believe this still isnt working. im gonna have to lookup another method, becuase there's nothing i do here that doesnt lead to corrupted data.
I've had the same problem since I updated my EZ's kernel, I've read around for a while, search for GBA Exploader, I get stuck with "FAT initialize", I'll try DLDI...
I am a 3 weeks owner of the R4 and EZ-Flash 3 in 1. I put Cory1492's GBALdr and GBALdr.ini on my micro SD. I was so overwhelmed by it all that I put stuff in several placed and it worked all the same. It took me a while to realize that I press a to load a game on the EZ-Flash 3 in 1 and that I press start to play game. The second weekend I backed up my files in a desktop folder, reformatted my memory tag and started over. I had read the instructions in the GBALdr.ini and I had figured out which locations are of no use. I put my DS games and homebrews in a folder. GBALdr goes there. In the _system_ folder I created folder GBALdr. In this folder named GBALdr I created GBAgame and Saver. These names match what you substitute in GBALdr.ini. I put GBALdr.ini into _system_/GBALdr because the comments say to put it here for the R4. There is a line saying startdir = "" I put the path and name for my GBA games inside the "" There is a line saying saverpath = "" I put the path and name for my save file inside the ""