I DL a video and tried to play it on the windows media player. It doesn;t play. If i fast forward, all there is are still images. I dl divx from afterdawn, it says it is a FOURCC code XVID and it says "you may need to install a video codec on your comp. to watch. How do I get this? Thanx
Oh, I just got 2 more videos that had the same encoding, and they play fine on WINAMP, but that other one still doesnt. Thanx.
Ok, this happend. Although it seems that it is pure images when I try to fast foward, I caught on to something. If i move the windows media player curser (fast forward) all the way to the end of the video, It will start playing, and all I do is drag teh cursor back to the beggining. Ok, but there is no Audio? Maybe the file is corrupt? Thanx.