I have a multi-media player that I plug my external hard drive into and can see the files on it. All the files on the Hard drive were put there via this PC. The problem is that when I put a new file now onto the hard drive, the new file is not viewable on the media player. I have actually even tried moving one of the files on the hd to a different location on the disk but it also became invisable. I have an external Seagate hard drive as well and any new files put on that are not viewable. The files can be seen on the PC and I can run them. I am going to try a different PC for the copying with an earlier version of XP to see if that works. Has any one got any suggestions? I am so confused by this.
depends on the player, if the files you are dropping on are not supported you wont see em, some wont play VLC and wont show them in the list, but will be there when viewed on the PC.
What I am trying to say is that the files can be viewed by the media player if they were put there prior to the end of June. I even moved a file that was on the external hard d ive (therefore should just be a directory update) to a different location on the hard drive and then back to where it originally was, and I could no longer see the file. The file I was moving around was an AVI file. I copied the same AVI to a memory stick and it could see it there.