Can't see game disc over FTP in order to backup, help!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by chrisfunk, Feb 4, 2006.

  1. chrisfunk

    chrisfunk Regular member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    Just something that's bugging me, please help.

    I have 2 xbox's (one is not mine but I'm trying to make this simple)

    Both running EvoX but one is chipped (A) and the other softmodded (B)

    Autolaunch Game and Movie is set to 'NO' on both machines though the softmoddd machine seems to autolaunch them anyway if you startup with a disc in the drive.

    I can happlily pull the game files across through ftp (using flash fxp)on xbox A, drive D is the dvd drive as usual.

    If I try the same on xbox B the game does not show up and so I can't copy the game to the PC.

    I wonder if it is something to do with the autolaunch problem?
    It will only connect via ftp when in the main dash screen but as the games always loadup by themselves the only way I can get to a state where the evox dash is running with the game disc in the drive, is to let the game load up then quit out using the usual button combo.

    ALl i can do is to ripp to game to the xbox hdd using dvd2xbox etc, then ftp them onto the pc from the hdd loader folder.

    does anybody know why this is happening?
  2. mydadsfat

    mydadsfat Guest

    just keep ur disk tray out at all times so the game doesn't load
  3. theridges

    theridges Guest

    i would suggest changing your dash to unleash X EvoX is kind of outdated unless your hardmodded softmodded boxes should run Unleash....i dont really understand why you have 2 xbox's hooked up together if u just want to copy to the pc....
  4. chrisfunk

    chrisfunk Regular member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    Hi, thanks both of you...

    "just keep ur disk tray out at all times so the game doesn't load "
    i can do this, resetting the machine during a game has the same outcome but my problem is even with evox running with a game disc in, i can not see the disc on my pc, it's like there is no disc in the xbox. (where as on my hardmodded xbox, with evox running and a game disc inserted, i can see the disc in the D: folder over ftp)

    I have not got 2 xbox's set up together, sorry if i didn't make it clear. like I said, one of them (the softmodded one) is not mine.
    I was trying to copy a game from xbox to pc on it in the same way i do on mine but it has this problem.

    I will try unleash on the softmodded xbox to see if that helps.

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2006
  5. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    keeping the disc tray out? are you just not reading?
    If your disc tray is out then how is the Xbox DVD drive going to read the game so that you can FTP it?

    I have heard someone else with this same problem. Not sure what the solution is though. But the DVD drive auto running things is most likely the problem. If you can find out what is making it auto run the discs and stop it i think it will solve your problem.
    If you have the EvoX dashboard set not to auto run then also check any other DVD programs you have like XBMP or XBMC to see if they have any settings that may cause the disc to auto run when inserted.
  6. chrisfunk

    chrisfunk Regular member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    ok, just to clarify, yes, everything in evox is set to NO for autoload game and video.
    If you boot the machine with a disc in it autoloads anyway, and likewise if you insert a disc when evox is running, it will load as soon as I close the tray.

    this is one issue......I can get the xbox to a state where I have the evox screen with a disc inserted (which is far as I know is what I need to make the ftp connecion, the connection breaks as soon as you load an app or a game)i can do this by leting the game autoload and then using the button combo to quit the game back to evox.

    Then when I connect using ftp, I can browse all the drives on the xbox but when I look in drive D: there is nothing there, even though a disc is in the drive.

    I can use PX hdd loader to copy a game to the xbox hard drive and then use ftp to find the files on the sbox and drag them onto the PC
    but that is abviously repeating the task and taking twice as long as it should.

    ???Does the xbox check to see what's in the drive every time you open the D: folder over ftp? I'm guessing it doesn't or it would see he disc. I am trying to understand why I can't see the disc but my theory is that because I have quit out of the game to evox, the machine isn't aware for some reason that the disc is there. I'm guessing it only checks either when you start up the machine or when you open/close the drive. Doing eaither of these would probably make the xbox realise the disc was there but that does not help me ftp it because either of those things would autoload the game. I would then have to use the button combo to quit to evox and then I'm back where I started???

    basicly I'm saying my hunch is the same as yours, it's this autoplay thing that's the problem (unless there was a way to force the xbox to check the D drive without resetting or opening/closing the drive)

    I don't have the machine here now to check the options in media player etc but I will do asap and come back with some results.

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2006

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