Can't Skip Certain Tracks on Some DVD's - Is it my player?

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by buxton, Aug 1, 2004.

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  1. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    I guess you have all seen on DVD movies there are certain tracks you can't skip - Pirating warnings at the start etc etc.

    Have noticed on a few Reg2 DVD's that they have started to put Movie ads before the film - and you can't skip them!! If I press skip or Menu I get a little DVD symbol and a red line. Only way around this is to physically FF through each one - a total pain in the ass.

    I was just wondering if this is down to the age of my player, or do the rest of you have to suffer this.

    I have a Pioneer DV-525 - Yeah it's old but it still does the job.

    I would also just like to add that I don't think they have any right to be doing this - surely it is down to us, the consumer, to choose if we want to watch them - specifically as I have paid money for that item and they are getting free advertising out of me.
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