Today I dropped my ipod and now it won't turn back on. Finally, it turned on but it gave me some kind of triangle w/an ! in it. what does that mean and does anyone no how to open the ipod up from its case???????? Thanks in advance
This probably means your hardrive is broken, which means your iPod is pretty unfixable. If it is still under warentee Apple will give you a new one free of charge. But first try this: Reset your iPod by holding Menu and Center, if that doesn't resolve the problem try forcing it into disk mode by holding down menu and center, and then when the Apple logo appears hold down play and center. This should allow you to reinstall the firmware and could possibly have you back on your way. The more likely story is the afformentioned broken hardrive.
it might just mean you hard drive became unattached. open it up and make sure it is connected to the mainboard. its just one little ribbon.
Opening the iPod voids your warranty I believe, so your best bet is to bring it to Apple, if you are still under warranty.
Get a thin hard plastic object, and gently pry it open, there are clips coming down from the plastic front of the iPod, that click onto pieces of the metal casing. you have to pry a little bit, and if you arn't careful could end up bending the metal. It will probably be making some scary cracking sounds as well. Be especially gentle around the screen as it is easy to crack as well.
I would really like to thank everyone for all the support I finally got it opened and checked the harddrive it was attached so I plugged it and then replug to make sure the connection was good put the case back on but I'm still getting the same error the little freakin triangle w/the ! also the battery seems like its not charging but the hell wit it I'll just try a get anotherone I want an ipod video anyhow!!!!!!!!! \ THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!