I have captured clips using Ulead Video Studio 8 to mpg files. When I go to use these clips in Pinnacle Studio Plus 9 I get the following error message: "The video file xxxxxxx.mpg could not be opened. Studio does not support this progressive scan (non-interlaced) MPEG2 video file format." Can anyone help. Can I convert clips to a useable format so I don't have to capture them all again off the tape?
You don"t want to convert these Files because it will just ruin the quality...I would suggest you use different software than Pinnacle Studio 9 unless you want to Ruin the Quality and if your Mpeg-2 files are useing the 352+240 resolution then they will allways be Progressive no matter what you do....
Minion, thanks. Do you know enough about the 2 software products to answer this: If i start a project from scratch with Pinnacle 9, will the video I capture be as good as quality as you say the video captured with Ulead VS9 is? Or is there some inherent problem with Pinnacle that you recommend I use a different product? I have both installed on my computer right now. I capture with firewire and the DVD's I burn with Ulead seem to be very good quality (home movie kind of stuff). (Much better than when I used to capture with USB!!!) I wouldn't want to give up any of that quality. 3.2 gig, P4 with lots of hard drive space. Thanks again.