I have a Mad Dog LS DVDRW TSH652M Lately it will not write any faster than 1x. I am using same blank DVDs I have always used and they have never given me a problem before. I have tried to update the drivers but the were no better drivers then the drivers that were currently installed (the originals). What could be the problem?
Have you checked your DMA settings. They may have slipped into PIO mode. Check this guide out on how to change DMA settings; http://webpages.charter.net/bacitup/TheGuides/checking DMA.pdf
The settings were in pio mode and I dind change them back,but that did not seem to help. Any more ideas? Also could you explain what DMA Settings are and what I did when I changed them.
I was looking around and found someone with the same problemand this is how they said they fixed it. "Hey guys, the problem has been fixed. Apparently, when I was looking around in the BIOS, PATA 2 was set to OFF. Once I turned it ON, I am burning DVDs at 7 min and less at 8x. If someone has this problem, you know now." I was looking in the bios but I don't see where to change that, could some please point me in the right dirrection?
sorry guys i read the guide wrong. I unonstalled and reinstalled both drives and every thing works great. thanks alot