Capture Card - Do I really need one for Premiere Pro?

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by taclark, Feb 21, 2004.

  1. taclark

    taclark Guest

    Please help me with the thought process here.

    Do I really need one of the certified capture cards listed for Adobe Premiere Pro:

    $800 DVStorm2
    $450 DVRaptor RT2
    $800 Matrox RT X100
    $650 Matrox RT X10

    Or is there an effective, lower cost alternative?

    For analog capture, what about using a pass-through on a digital camera. I'm thinking for the money tied up in one of these capture cards, I could buy me a digital camera and run all my Hi-8 tapes through the camera and onto the harddrive via a firewire or USB connection. Would I TV-tuner/videocard allow this?
  2. taclark

    taclark Guest

    Sorry, I just realized this should have been posted in another forum. Please forgive me.
  3. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    To Capture in Premier Pro you just have to have a IEEE-1394 Compliant Device or a Firewire Capture device...You can use something like a "Canopus ADVC-50" which is about $175 or what I would get is a "Canopus ACEDVio" which I have seen for about $225 ..Premier Pro will Not capture From Things Like TV Cards or Analogue Capture Cards But You can allways use a seperate program for Captureing and use a Analogue Device and then Import the captured files into Premier for Editing ,Just don"t get a USB device cuz they aren"t very good....Cheers

    PS: Yes if you have a DV Camera you could use the DV Passthrough to Convert the analoge Video Data to DV but I believe you would have to capture Via Firewire Not USB....
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]It"s better to be Pissed Off than Pissed On!!![/small]
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2004
  4. taclark

    taclark Guest

    Thanks Minion. You're very helpful and dependable.

    You mentioned Canopus ADVC-50 and Canopus ACEDVio. Would you not be concerned that these are not on Premiere Pro's list of certified capture cards?

    On the digital camera pass-through approach, would any IEEE-1394 compliant connection work?
  5. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Hi ,No I wouldn"t be concerned about it not being on there List of Capture devices because Canopus sells some of these Devices Bundled with Premier Pro and any Firewire Connection should work Fine, Premier Pro even recognized the Firewire Connection on my All In Wonder 8500DV...Even if Premier Pro didn"t recognize the Capture device you can allways use a third Party app to Capture the Video footage and then Import the Footage into Premier Pro....Cheers

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