Does anyone know of an external capture card that will run compatibly with Vista or even better, is made specifically for Vista? I have tried Pinnacle's Dazzler but it crashed my computer 4 times, even after "vista updates" to the software/drivers. My price range is up to $150, and I'm using a HP pavilion laptop with 2GB ram, 2.00 Ghz core 2 duo, and I have vista premium (32 bit).
Upgrade to studio 11. Compatible drivers are included for Vista, (am running DVD Rcorder and Vista Ulimate). I also had the same problem and this was the only way I could solve it.
actually, i got studio 10 to work for vista, after hours of messing up and two 1.5 gigabyte download from the pinnacle site. i don't recommend it, but i got it to work (and the capture card quality is very nice). Thanks anyway though.