Hi. I have tried to get a straight answer for this from other websites. I am quite confused. Sorry if I bother you with this question. I have many miniDV tapes shot on my Sony trv11. Shot in 4:3 aspect of course. I want to burn these to dvd and watch them on my widescreen TV. I know the basics of capturing. I just want to know what is the best way to go. Is it best to capture this 4:3 DV as 16:9? Then to burn to dvd as 16:9? Will that limit me to only watching the finished dvd on 16:9 tv's? Or will it scale down to 4:3 if I took the dvd to my family's house for viewing on a standard 4:3 tv? If I do in fact capture this 4:3DV video to 16:9 will it be all squished while watching it in 16:9 aspect on my 16:9 tv? Is the best way to go to simply capture this 4:3DV to 4:3 then burn it in 4:3 mode and after watch it on my 16:9 in 4:3? Will this be the only way to truly see this video non squished? Or would you be able to switch the aspect on your tv to 16:9 and watch a unsquished 16:9 aspect of the 4:3 captured and burned DV? hehehe. Thx. I suppose I could burn several disks each way and see for myself. But these things cost money!