capturing - encoding - file sizes

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by ryan462, Mar 7, 2005.

  1. ryan462

    ryan462 Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    I want to know why it's so difficult to capture 10 minutes off a digital camera, encode it so people can download it and watch it, and have it be a good quality video. No matter what I try .. no matter what software I use .. it always ends up being 500+ MB .. if I can get it to encode at all. I've used windows video maker software deal, I've used cleaner, I've used premier, I've used roxio, I've used TONS of crap .. and nothing seems to get me where I want. Google searches just bring me to endless amounts of software that I spend hours cracking and installing .. for the same crappy result.

    This question has no doubt been asked a few thousand times on this board I'm sure .. and I've been looking through them .. but I'm in a real pinch and a real hurry to get something done .. and it's just not working.

    Routers ... switches ... bgp ... security ... no problemo. Figuring out how to turn 10 minutes from a cam-corder into a low file size quality product for mass viewing on the internet .. not even close.

    A program ... article ... link ... anything ... thank you. =]

    TPFKAS Regular member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Go here to read some basics on digital video:

    There are various formats that you can use for sharing your video over the Internet, current top 3 (in random order):
    mpeg-1: everybody can read it, encode with TMPGEnc
    divx: people need the divx codec installed in order to watch it, install the free divx Codec and encode with VirtualDUB
    wmv: everybody with XP can watch it, encode it with the Microsoft Media Encoder

    No need to buy or crack anything, it's all freeware....

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