Car audio problem need help

Discussion in 'Audio' started by rotor, Nov 11, 2003.

  1. rotor

    rotor Member

    Nov 11, 2003
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    Hello, I have a problem with my car audio system... the sound got really choppy and started to die i assumed it was the speakers and had a spare so i replaced em all, but that didn't seem to help...i pretty much loss all the sound...any ideas? can it be the head unit or the wires? one thing i don't know if it'll help but when i turn on the head unit and the stereo seek button for the stations it doesn't stop just keeps on going and going...any feedback would be great thanks
  2. ModNoob

    ModNoob Member

    Oct 14, 2003
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    More than likely it is your head unit. Did you buy those cheap $20 speakers from wall-mart that claim they are 300 watts? If you add on many speakers to one channel like this, then it may fry your outputs on your head unit.

    *"when i turn on the head unit and the stereo seek button for the stations it doesn't stop just keeps on going and going..."*

    Not exactly sure what you mean, if you are searching for a radio station, then it may just be that you antenna is not connected properly, or it may also be that you fried something in your head unit.

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