Hi is there a Nero program that can convert cassettes to music files or CD. I have a large collection of tapes and would like to transfer them to my computer. Thanks Mike
Here's a link. http://www.nsftools.com/misc/TapeToCDNero.htm I don't have Nero installed - I use Audacity. http://www.nsftools.com/misc/TapeToCD.htm
Yes it is and a good one,conect your cassette player to pc,open nero on record mode star recording save it and for better quality, then edit your music with nero wave editor you will have a super good sound,may be nero is the best for this.
Kevin when converting your tapes, select a small amount of noise from either the start or end of the tape and do a noise analysis, once done select the whole track and no more than 70% noise reduction, any more than this and you will introduce artifacts. ;-)