I have downloaded CCE Basic v2.69, rebuilder V.52. Thought I would try out the trial version before parting with any money. I have encoded a dvd with decrypter, when i run rebuilder after about 5 mins I get the message 'E:/dvd test/D2AVS/item.ec/is not a ecl for cce basic trial version. Can anyone give any advise on what the problem might be? I have checked the installation and followed the guides to the letter, but it still seems to give this error.
I have the same problem. But then I updated CCE to the newest version and now the I get an error that says can't use ecl.
You should check out the sticky at the top of the One Click forum for information on trying out CCE with DVD Rebuilder. I'll be adding it to the guide with the next update.
Solution: The trial has the limitation of alowing maximum encoding length to 5 min. And it put a logo on the picture. And you cannot save/load projects. This makes it totally unusable. aaand: CCE is very famous for the 1-pass VBR algo. It is not in CCE BASIC, and multipass is also limeted to 2 passes.
Yes, but you can test with CCE SP and EclCCEand get almost identical results if you don't change the CCE settings in DVD-RB. The VBR Bias will probably be off by 5, bcause DVD-RB uses a default setting of 25 and I'm guessing that CCE Basic uses 30 since that's the default in SP. That's what the instructions in the sticky I mentioned are for, because a lot of people don't want to pay $58 sight unseen, which I can understand being cheap myself.
Well I found out that I had to switch to CCE Sp under the CCE options menu because I was using the CCE Sp trial version. The whole process however took very long but the quality was pretty good. But it had that logo throughout the movie. So I guess thats because its a trial. But the overall results were good.