So i encode what i need with multipass VBR, let it run during the night. I wake up, author it, and check the VOBs on my computer. Well, the IFO's say it's at 720x480, so did CCE. However, when i play it on my computer DVD player it's smaller, and when i burn it on a DVD it doesn't take up the whole screen on my TV. Any suggestions would be great, im using the latest CCE trial from this site! Chris.
all thats there is the square video (well actually wide screen,) it took the original that was 500(something) x 200(something) and encoded that, and thats plopped right in the middle of my screen with black all the way around the rest of the screen. Chris.
Sorry, I don't have a DVD burner and therefore I'm a bit ignorant about this issue. Just a suggestion: why don't you use the wonderful TMPGenc? Wiith its advenced settings (I suggest Video__Motion Search Precision = Highest precision (very slow), Advanced___Full Screen (Keep Aspect Ratio) and finally, after the encoding, use TMPGenc's File__ MPEG Tools__Simple Multiplex [Type=MPEG-2 Super Video-CD (VBR)] to join the Video part (.M2V) with the Audio part (.WAV).
Well, i used to be an avid poster on these boards, then my account was not able to be used because of my AOL e mail so i stopped. I know all about all these programs, i just don't like TMPGenc as much because it takes a LOT longer, that's one thing i like about CCE. I was just wondering if anyone knew what was causing it to not encode in DVD resolutoin (Even though that option is ticked in the options) or that it is encoding in DVD resolution but it's not displaying it correctly?