hi i went into the local sattelite shop today for a splitter , the guy in there was telling some one that these starview.eurovox etc etc will be no good after 3rd march as he claims that cable companies will be changing the type of signal meaning that the boxes wont work any one heard this or is it bullshit
He's bullshitting you, it would not be cost effective for Virgin to do that because they would have to replace every V+ box and receiver out there.
id like to believe that my self mate but some thing tells me they wont sit around while this is happening surely. esp now that twat owns it
He doesn't own it, he's just a figurehead. They needed the Virgin mobile brand to offer a 4-play package to beat $KY who copied their tripple-play package & Branston Pickle was desperate to offload Virgin Mobile and the Brand Name was too good an opportunity to miss. You've also got to remember, the broadcasting standard is DVB-C and that is what the Starview & others recieve, if they changed the encryption the Starview & others would be upgradeable with a firmware fix. After all it's just software.