like my media player thread, What does everyone use to burn cds?(anything to keep in mind) i use jet audio, mainly for its speed. anyone know any better/faster ones?
I use Sonic Record now max for general burning and Acoustica MP3 Burner for audio disks.
yeah i had nero and i think i have a version of roxio in terms of quality, what do you thinks best... i know wmp burns crappy
in terms of quality roxio and nero are probably about equal, although I honestly never really liked roxio, I think nero is much better
my dnload folder that is divided into subfolders for modems, netcards, printers & such has about 11.5gig of info never mind copies of motherboard cds. was 1 reason for going to a 160gig hd than partitioning into 2, 40gig for windows & 120gig for data
WOW. so when you go work on people's computer, do you just bring your HD with you, or all the CDROMS?
i bring the cds & also have a usb2 40gig 2.5" hd that has some updates for avg, spybot & such. also comes in handy for copying info from customer's computer if having to blow their hd out & reload from scratch. also good to dnload any music off their hd.