this is an embrassing question say i have been using computers for years. every time i print a cd cover it is either to small or to big and i have to trim it down,what are the right image sizes for cd,dvd cases and how do i resize the images? sorry i know this is not really a media questions but any help would be greatly appreciated thanx. andy
I use this free program,EZ label express, See what you think...
Undine, when you put a CdCover on a disk do you have a problem with the disk pixelating or freezing ?
I am referring to putting a cover on the cd case here;not on the cd it's self.I use to put stick on labels on cds but had trouble with some after a period of time.I now use a thermal printer to print labels on cds.
This is another freebie that can do jewej case labels front and back, cd labels, and even cd booklets. Click on screenshot for a better view of cover pictures
Hi I use Roxio easy cd and dvd recorder to make covers. If I have an original cover I scan it , save it then inport it into Roxio. You can then stetch it to fit the case size. If I have not got a cover I go to and download one. Jim