that depends, what is in/on tehse *.bin and *.cue files. If they are vcd ro svcd's, tehre some guides on this site for that. If they are data cd with backups and stuff, i wouls use soemthign liek UltraISo to extract them and put them on a dvdwith Nero or soem otehr burning software.
otehr/soemthign liek /soem otehr /tehre / wouls Are these English,Martian, or something else!! WOW!! Try Checking Your Spelling Dude!!
lol, I just type way too fast. As well as the fact that I am too lazy to go and fix teh errors unless it is totally unreadable.
No Problem, just thought I would give ya a little S**t. I can't type at all, so I go to slow to screw up(LOL)
Heh, well i spend my time in web design, and usually I don't actually make the content, buto only the code and graphics. But if PHP was an audible language, i'd be a pefect speller.