Hi all. I am very sorry if I am in the wrong room for this question. I could not find anything appropriate for my question. I want to know if I can back up karaoke cds. (CD+G) I am not sure if I should be trying to copy to a cd or a dvd lol. I am using nero at the moment. If there is any way to back up these kind of discs which will bring up words on screen just like the originals, your input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a million guys and gals. This site still rocks!! Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi The first thing you will need to check is if your dvd/cd writer can support reading cd+g. Use nero info tool to find this out, if you dont have a tick beside it in any of your drives you cant do it, if you have a tick try clonecd to back them up.
The easiest way to back up your karaoke disks is to use Goldenhawks CDRWIN. Make sure your burner supports CD+G. www.goldenhawk.com It is very easy to do. I have done hundreds of them. Enjoy!
Great.......Many thanks to the both of you. My burner does support and I am on my way! Thanks again.Cheers!!!!
Well I thought I had things figured out. I burned using CDRWIN and it burned fine but when I playback in my karaoke machine all i get is audio. I left as default settings when burning. Any ideas how come I have no writing on playback? I am using cd-r (memorex). I know they are not the best discs for burning but I should get writing on playback it I am getting audio correct. Anymore help would be greatly appreciated. I am half way there Cheers .............
Hi Give clonecd a try i havent backed up these discs in years but thats what i used to use without any problems i stayed well clear of CDRWIN too many settings for my liking
Okay berty642.......I will definately give it a shot. I will let you know how I make out. Thanks again!
There are many ways to skin a cat as the saying goes..... The same applies to software for getting things done. cdrwin is by far the best program, but as berty says there are lots of settings and options . That is why it is a very good and versatile program. there is a perfect help manual with the software with examples on how to do what you want. Take the time and read it...it's that easy! Hope you manage to complete your task. Any more problems just come back on and I'll give you some pointers. Cya
Thanks for all the help people. I went with clonecd and am now sucessfully backing up my discs. This site Rocks. Cheers!!!!!