Is it possible to transfer still pictures (taken at an anniversary party) on a cd and burn them to a dvd so that they can be viewed on a dvd player? If so, is there a guide and software for this procedure? Thank you.
Hi, VSO Software has a product called PhotoDVD that does just that. there is a free trial and then if you like it, the software only cost 10 dollars,
search and find a progam called Memoriesontv,,,, It is one of the better prgm to do this type of thing. You can add mp3 and special effect.
try looking for picasa 2 its a free download from google. software description: Working with your pictures Import Pictures: Get pictures from a camera, scanner, or CD Organize Pictures: Star, caption, add labels, and move photos on disk Edit Pictures: Adjust contrast, color, and apply photographic filters. Sharing your photos Share Photos: Share online with Blogger, Hello, or make a gift CD Print Photos: Print at home or order prints and custom products online Email Photos: Send pictures with Gmail, Hello, or your email program Working with Picasa's features Picasa Basics: Everything else: organizing, search, and more Create Cool Stuff: All kinds of other neat things to do with your photos Backup Files: Archive your photos on CD, DVD, or to an external drive