can anyone please tell a newbie how to findout what protection is used on a cd rom. i'm trying to back up csi dark motives but i keep getting a read error. many thanks in advance
To make a 1:1 backup of copy protected games (1) determine the type of protection present using a program called A-Ray Scanner (which can be obtained from ). (2) If the game is protected via SafeDisc2/3 then duplication is highly hardware dependent and to be able to properly make a backup, your burner needs to be classified as "2-sheep" (for information on this sheep rating and to see if your burner qualifies as 2-sheep, visit ). If your burner is a 2-sheep burner then head on over to for a step-by-step on backing up your game. If however your drive is a 1-sheeper, visit for a workaround technique. (3) If your game is protected with SecurROM then, even though it is not nearly as hardware dependent as a SD2/3 backup, having a 2-sheep burner is very useful. For step-by-step guides on backing up your SecureROM protected game, visit (using Alcohol120) (using CloneCD)