as far as mp3 bitrates go, 192 at least, 256kpbs is best. and be sure to use VBR (variable bitrate)...MUCH better than CBR (constant bitrate)
That is a hard question since Music CDs arn't compressed. They are recorded at 44.1 KHz with 16 bits of resolution, using the [bold]uncompressed[/bold] PCM format. Also, all compression formats are diffent in terms of quality/bitrate. If your using the Mp3 compression scheme some quality is always lossed after compression. The makers of Mp3 claim that CD quality is 128 kilo-bits per second (kbps) using the Constant Bit Rate encoding scheme. Any member of this forum (Audio) will tell you that 128 kbps isn't anywhere near CD quality. Most members that encode using the LAME Mp3 encoder agree that 192 kbps is just about CD quality (or at least better than FM radio). Like djscoop I prefer 256 kbps. For maximum quality and file size effeceincy use the Variable Bit-Rate (VBR) encoding scheme (range 32 - 256 kbps). About (Mp3) Ced
A agree that 128kbps is quite poor ,I always thought CD quality was somewhere around 256kbps .Thank you for the input.