hello,i bought a cd re-writer at the beginning of the year and it was working perfectly fine no problems. I then had to totally restore the computer loosing everything from documents to programs i had installed. When I came to reinstalling everything I could not find the cd-rewriter disk anywhere so I borrowed my sisters. It says its installed and everything and says it burns to disk but then when i put the disk in a cd player it doesn't appear to have anything on it. Is there any way around this? Please get in touch asap
wel....i don't know what version nero express i had prior to restoring but me and my sister have the exact same cd re writer because we checked. the version my sister gave me is
i know this might sound silly but you have selected you cd writer in nero, it's not using the image recorder is it
wel....iv just checked and image recorder is selected so iv changed it to my cd rewriter. i will try this and hopefully it should thanks alot.