cd rom wont work after installing xp service pack...HELP

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by dakotarae, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. dakotarae

    dakotarae Guest

    Hey..First time here..need help bad. My cd rom quit working coincidently after installing xp service pack about a month ago.. went ahead and installed service pack 2 yesterday, no fixes in there. It seems that I've tried everything including a HP System recovery..didn't work. Thing is, I;m not getting any type of error message, when I run diagnostics it says it's running fine. It will open but NOTHING will play. I can go into My Computer and the only response I get is out of the "eject" button. I dont know what else to do and of course Microsoft was of no help. It may just be a coincidence as to the timing of the downloads but it all worked fine before. Anybody please help me with any ideas.

    Thanks in advance
  2. diver1

    diver1 Member

    Oct 2, 2004
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    ME Too!! I installed XP SP2 and norton 2004 and now I cant eject. I have to reboot ad then I can eject but after a while it stops working. I'm convinced its SP2...any ideas PLEASE!!!
  3. djcsurf

    djcsurf Guest

    Have you checked the manufacture's (cd-rom) web site to see if there are any updates concerning sp2
  4. diver1

    diver1 Member

    Oct 2, 2004
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    thats what microsoft told me to do also. I have an NEC2500 DVD writer. Visited the NEC website and there are NO drivers let alone an update for SP2!! Still confused!!
  5. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    You can always reverse SP2 -- and go back to SP1 !

    But first I would stop Norton -- then go to device manager and uninstall that burner and reboot.

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