CD-R's that are compatible with Delco Stereos

Discussion in 'Audio' started by Winfall, Jan 16, 2004.

  1. Winfall

    Winfall Member

    Jan 16, 2004
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    I have a delco brand stereo That came pre installed in my 2003 Chevrolet Cavalier Does anybody have any specific knowledge as to what kind of CD-R I am going to have to buy that will play in it I have tried Memorex, Memorex Black & Verbatim with no success
  2. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    I have no clue and will move this thread over to audio and hopefully someone can further assist you.

    Shoey :)
  3. cleft

    cleft Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    I do have a stupid question at this point...

    Are you using relatively new cds or songs released recently, or using those that you might have purchased on one of the pay for sites? It is possible that you might have copy protection within the cds. They are notorious for playing in some players and not others.
  4. tigre

    tigre Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    I guess you want to burn audio CD-Rs, not data CD-Rs containing e.g. mp3 files, correct?

    I'd try to contact 'delco' to ask what media they recommend. Besides this I'd use low burning speed (e.g. 8x) and try if the CDs I burn play with other standalone devices (e.g. home stereo CD player, DVD player), to make sure that the settings in the burning program used were chosen correctly (*audio* CD, disc at once, close CD ...).
  5. Winfall

    Winfall Member

    Jan 16, 2004
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    I have tried burning at speeds from 4X to 24X and have met with virtually the same results they would play on a little portable GPX player But not in my Lenorxx (Wal-Mart special) boom box or the afformentioned car delco stereo most of the experimentation has been with the memorex discs and Memorex Black With the Memorex black It will play on the boom box with a lot of playing around with it You put it in and it won't recognize the first few tracks and skip through to 15 But if you go back to the first few tracks from there it will play them "most" times

    Now My car is in the shop and I have a 2004 Toyota Echo rental and all the discs I have burned thus far have played But the player in the echo has mp3 stamped on it So I am assuming it has a more powerful laser in it to read mp3 Before you ask supposedly the software I have used B's recorder Gold5 and Nero6 automatically convert mp3's to .CDA and I am assuming it is doing it's job as they will play faithfully on the little cheap portable player

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