I tried using cdex to encode the audio created by dvd2avi. cdex does not find the file. The new version and the old version both do not find it. the file created by dvd2avi is an ac3 file. Is this the reason it cannot find it? I know its looking for a wave file.
On DVD2AVI [Menu Audio___Output Method] you have the following choices: 1 - Disable (DVD2AVI creates no output apart the .D2V file) 2 - Demux [AC3, MPA, DTS]. It, simultaneously, demuxes the audio stream corresponding to the selected Track Number [selected in the menu Audio___Track Number], often an AC3 one with a fixed A/V delay; see the list of the "track <----> language" set by loading at the corresponding IFO [VTS_0#_0.IFO] with either ReJig, IFOEdit, VOBEdit....) 3 - Decode to WAV [AC3, LPCM]. It, simultaneously, decodes to WAV the track putting the A/V delay to zero. [It is the option you're looking for!] 4 - Demux all Tracks [AC3, MPA, DTS]. This makes as 2., but it demuxes ALL available languages