I recently changed a video aspect from 4:3 to 16:9 using VirtualDub. The resulting video looks pretty good, but when I play the avi in WMP, the black margin is all on the top. The video is not centered evenly between the top and bottom. I looked all over for some tick box or something to let me center it that way...but didn't find one. How do I center the video on the screen so there is a black margin at the top and bottom evenly instead of a wide black margin at the top and no margin at the bottom? Thanks in advance.
Then you must be having a problem with the media payer and/or the codecs involved. Try running it in VLC or some other third-party player. VLC's probably a good choice because it uses it's own internal decoding.
Thanks Dave! It WAS Windows Media Player! I put it in 2 other players, and it was fine! Hmmmm. Never really liked WMP that much anyway, but I took your advice and d/l VLC and will give that a try as my "main" player from now on. Thanks again! KUDOS!