Chains Chains and more Chains

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by DumazBxRx, Jul 31, 2004.

  1. DumazBxRx

    DumazBxRx Guest

    OK. I can rip. I can even convert to mpeg. But how in the heck to you put the whole thing back together. It all seems to be separated in to smaller things called program chains with angles. And to make me feel even smaller, the smaller things are not even in order. I just want to copy the whole thing, credits and all. What do I do?
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    It would help quite a bit to know what software you've been using thus far to avoid redundancy but if you simply want to do the entire disc I'd suggest giving DVD Shrink a try. It can be downloaded from our software section and there are nice guides in our Guides section :)
  3. DumazBxRx

    DumazBxRx Guest

    Oh right, Software, sorry.
    The program I was/am using is DVD copy plus. And thanks for the suggestion, will try the shrink.

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