Anyone know if you can change the font on a 5G video ipod? I would really like to do this, but i heard that if it involves upgrading the firmware to 1.1 you wont be able to watch the videos you put on it. Anyone know of a way to do it? Also, i had a 5G ipod before and when i tried to upgrade the firmware it broke so i dont want to do that. thanks
Actually, You said "i dont know if you can", and I said "Yes, you can" Difference there, what d'you reckon? Anyroad, not here to have flame wars with people like you.. Hello halo13; Did it refuse to upgrade, or did it just corrupt the iPod? Did/do you get any error messages/symbols either on your PC or iPod? Not necessarily true; there have only been a few minor cases, and it is worth the 'gamble', because if you do get a problem, you can always use iPod Wizard to downgrade your firmware
when i tried to update the first time it said update was in progress and i should not dissconnect. So i didn't. I left it there for like 2 hours and still nothing, so i knew that something was wrong. after that it would stay at a white screen and not do anything.
Bird7 - Screenshots of 'Comic Sans MS' on iPod 5g And I have sucessfully modified the fonts on my 4g iPod, so please, check your facts.
i was thinking about the image, not the font when i replyed. It seems there is some very ignorant people at aD.
I wouldn't have gone at you if you hadn't made the comment.. I was giving correct info, but if you think it is some sort of competition, well, that is your funeral, isn't it..? Anyroad, People in these forums need help. I have given the correct answer in this thread, and I have nothing left to say to you. Have a nice life.. halo13 - If you still need any help, feel free to PM me! ;-) -Cheers-