I'm taking care of my parents house for the weekend, they have a sky hd box, but do not subscribe to sky sports, if I bring my sky hd box with me, i am subscribed to sky sports, does anybody know if my box will play sky sports, in my parents house?
It shouldn't be a problem as long as you take your card with you. All boxes should not work with a "foreign" card. I have 2 friends who take their Sky box and card with them when they are away from home. 1 from Sth London to Claton on Sea and the other Nth London to Athens.
you can use any sky box in any house as long as ,number 1 you have a dish in the house for sky. and 2 if you use the card with the box(say who ever paid for the box and card what ever channels are paid for you will get in any house)so you can bring a box to any house with or without a card and view channels(as long as the house has a sky dish). you will at least get the free channels bbc1/2/3/4 itv1/2/3/4/ ch4 e4 more 4 and ch5 and more(so you can use any sky box in any house even with a card). all a card does is give you the channels you paid for(unless your in the uk in which case the card determins if you get wales/ulster/scotland/london uk channels other wise a sky box is universal.
Thanks for that. I'm going to bring my secondary sky hd box with me, the one i use upstairs, this mirrors my hd box downstairs, will I have any problems using that one, or do i have to bring the main box?