I have an external harddrive, mobile storage solutions usb2.0 80gig, it came formatted as NTFS and I want to change it to FAT32 so I can read and write under my MacOS X partition as well. Any programs out there that will allow me to do it. I tried formatting under XP but NTFS is the only option.
partition magic has a fee if im not mistaken....so after reading I have a 40gig external for that I want to run on FAT32 between my mac and xp, Fat32 naturally only has a 32gig partition limit so thats why I couldnt figure out how to change my whole external, so I created two partitions, 1 32g and the other 6 gigs. It'll do for now.
chubbs. fat32 does not have a 32gig limitation on it as i use fat32 on my 160gig hd partitioned with 40gig for windows & 120gig for data. my 80gig external is fat32 with no partitions. my laptop 40gig hid is fat32 with no partitions. fat32 just has a problem with files over 4gig like movies.
just info Free/Open Source * GParted http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GParted * Free FDISK (FreeDOS) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreeDOS * GNU Parted, fdisk, and Cfdisk http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Parted * Mandriva's DiskDrake http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DiskDrake * QtParted http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QtParted * FIPS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIPS_(computer_program) * Damien Guibouret's Partition Saving - Used for restoring, saving, or copying elements absolutely to or from a hard disk or other media including Master Boot Records, partition tables, single files, entire directories within a partition, or entire partitions. http://www.partition-saving.com/ Master boot record http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_Boot_Record Proprietary * Apple's Disk Utility * Microsoft's Computer Management Console or "compmgmt.msc", part of several versions of Windows * Acronis Disk Director Suite * Symantec's PartitionMagic * TeraByte Unlimited's BootIt NG * Microsoft's DiskPart and FDISK * DIY DataRecovery's DiskPatch * Ranish Partition Manager * Cute Partition Manager * VCOM's Partition Commander * Paragon Software's Partition Manager and Hard Disk Manager * Coriolis Systems' iPartition * VolumeWorks - Dynamic partitioning software for Mac OS X by SubRosaSoft Inc. [edit] Hard disk manufacturers' tools * Maxtor's Maxblast for Maxtor disks * Western Digital's Data Lifeguard Tools for Western Digital disks * Seagate's Discwizard for Seagate disks GO HERE FOR THE ABOVE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_partition_utilities