Changing DVD formats

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by cropa, Jan 1, 2006.

  1. cropa

    cropa Member

    Nov 27, 2005
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    I recieved a DVD from a friend and when I pop it into my DVD player it says "can't play due to area restrictions". I know the DVD is in the European format and I want to reburn it into the North American format. I ripped it onto my computer using DVD Decypter and in a folder I got a bunch of backup up IFO files and other files. When I use these files to burn the DVD again (with Nero) it works, but the format doesnt change and it never asks me if I want to change it?

    How can this be done??
  2. rp_024

    rp_024 Guest

    DVD Santa is my personal fav. Import your movie VOB files, align them and select NTSC format. Click Create DVD. This will change the format and save to a folder on your local by default it's TempDVD

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