i need to burn an image (.mds) at 4x but A120 will only let me go as low as 8x. what do i need to do so i can burn it at 4x? I tried burning i at 8x anyways but the computer doesnt read the disc. Why does it need to be burned at 4x anyways? less chance of making errors? anyways, Im new at this and any info would be awesome. thanks
Generally with Alcohol it depends on your burners firmware. What sort of burner do you have? What are you burning?
my burner is 'HP DVD writer 300c' i guess. and im trying to burn vampire bloodlines. my instructions are to use Alcohol 120% v1.9.2.1705 with the Safedisc 2/3 profile to burn CD1 using 4x write speed.
Vampire Bloodlines uses Safedisc 3.20.022, which is very hardware dependant, 2 3rds of users are unable to back this S/Disc version successfully. I have done so using Alcohol and burning doom3 which is also Safedisc 3.20.022, at 24x, so give it a go. Unfortunately your burner is not on the EFM capable list, which doesnt mean you cant back it up but your chances are very low. (sorry to be a downer) HP only have 2 burners EFM capable and 8 that are almost capable. After you burn it, enable all safedisc emulation options and maybe it will run. If not using an image via a Virtual Drive is a good alternative.
first of all, thanks for the help so far. second of all, im using the trial version of alcohol so im not sure if that makes a difference. my first question now is how do i go about enabling the safedisc emulation options. im assuming u mean in alcohol. and i tried mounting the image with alcohol but it still failed to install. thats what u mean by using it via a virtual drive, right? are there any extra steps i need to take? thanks again
Trial version only limits 31 Virtual Drives to 6. The game may not be installable via Virtual Drive, you may have to use your genuines and then you can put them away in safety and run the game via Virtual Drive. To enable your Virtual Drives go to Alcohol Startup Screen, then options, Virtual Drives and select the number you want. You may have to name them too. Your image of the play disc will also be in the startup screen, you can drop and drag it over a virtual drive, or right click the image and mount it. Then you click the game icon and play, no emulation is needed for a Virtual Drive. If you want to ty your backup disc with emulation, again go to the startup screen and under options select emulation. Just enable all of them including extra emulations.