Changing System Tray Icons

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by tmr250z, Oct 7, 2006.

  1. tmr250z

    tmr250z Guest

    Is there a way to change the icons in the system tray to different icons, like the wireless network connections icon, for example?
    Is there a way to change it from this [​IMG] to this [​IMG]
  2. 21Q

    21Q Regular member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    You may be able to by going into the root of that prog. and looking for the images are kept and then replace them with the ones you want, I can't garentee this, so it isn't my fault if something happens.
  3. tmr250z

    tmr250z Guest

    Ok, but do you know where the root of Wireless Network Connections is, because I've looked and I can't find it. I think it's probably in the system32 folder but there are so many .dlls and .exes that I can't tell which one it is. Anyone know?
  4. tmr250z

    tmr250z Guest

    I haven't been able to change the system tray icons yet, but I have found a way to change the start button text from "start" to this: [​IMG]

    lol...I know it's stupid, but I like it. I used Resource Hacker to change it.

    Now if I could only change those system tray icons...
  5. PAN5Y

    PAN5Y Active member

    Oct 3, 2006
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    lol..."I QUIT" thats asome

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