Changing your xbox eeprom

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by undertow, Mar 10, 2006.

  1. undertow

    undertow Guest

    I installed a new hard drive and now i'm suspended, i know that i will get banned, if i get banned, can i sign on to xbl and just play custom games on halo 2? Also, if i upgrade my xbox eeprom so i won't get banned, does it have to be an eeprom that's never signed on to xbl?
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    as far as i know it just has to be an eeprom that has not been banned.....
  3. X4Life

    X4Life Guest

    yes the eeprom shouldnt be a "virgin" one and the person ur are get the eeprom from will never use the xbox live otherwise both of you will get banned. anyway if you have a larger hd u still gone get banned even if your chip is off. M$ is scanning the HD aswell so if your hd is bigger than 10GB then you will get banned.

    how u gone play halo on xbl if you banned???
    if you get banned you cant connect to xbl

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